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Design And Layout

We aim to help our customers save time and get products to market faster with our rich experience.

PCB FAB & Assembly Design and Layout Service

While it is rare that a printed circuit board is 100% perfectly designed on the first try, Fastlink will help with minimum design testing and shorten design time, reducing the need for multiple extensive revisions. We aim to help our customers save time and get products to market faster with our rich experience. You can design for manufacturability and ensure a final, cost-effective product that works efficiently and effectively.

Design and Layout Process

Creating the schematic
Creating the schematic which refers to the design at the electrical level of the board's purpose and function.
Understand the electrical parameters
Such as Current maximums, Voltages, Signal types, Capacitance limitations, Impedance characteristics, Shielding considerations, Type and location of circuit components and connectors, Detailed net wire listing, and schematic.
Use a schematic capture tool
Use a schematic capture tool to create your PCB layout. After you create your schematic, the mechanical engineer will lead the design and determine how it will fit in the intended device.
Design your PCB stackup
The stackup plays a role in how the mechanical engineer can design and fit the PCB into the device.
Define design rules and requirements
This step is largely dictated by standards and acceptability criteria from the IPC.
Place your components
The PCB provider will have data sheets on every component (in most cases these are connectors), which will then be placed in the mechanical layout and sent to the customer for approval.
Insert drill holes
This step is driven by the components and a connection.
Route the traces
After you've placed the components and drill holes, you're ready to route the traces, which means connecting segments of the path.
Add labels and identifiers
Now is the time to add any labels, identifiers, markings, or reference designators to the layout. Reference designators are helpful in showing where specific components will go on the board.
Generate design/layout files
This is the final step in the layout process. These files contain all the information pertaining to your printed circuit board, and once they have been generated, your PCB is now ready for fabrication and manufacturing and assembly.

Advantages of fastlink design and layout service

  • Complete the whole process of PCB design of a large number of PIN boards in a short time, emergency service response, multiple shifts can cover 7*24 hours of service.

  • We have a professional team and each engineer with hundreds of PCB design experience and are familiar with various production parameters.

  • Every year there are more than 10000 PCB design experiences. With extensive engineering experience who can answer your questions and ensure a smooth project from start to finish.

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