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FastLink Metal core PCBs

metal core PCB is a special PCB having a metallic base layer. This base layer is usually made of aluminum or copper. As it contains a metallic layer, it is named Metal Core PCB (MCPCB).

While choosing a PCB for a project, it is essential to look at the conditions, constraints, and requirements. You need to pick a suitable PCB that can offer good performance under the expected conditions. Otherwise, the PCB might not survive or offer unexpected results. Metal core PCBs are also designed for such applications, where typical PCBs cannot work.

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Why Metal Core PCBs?

  • Metal core PCB can work normally in extreme environments

When it comes to high-temperature and high-pressure in the place or area where the PCB will be installed, it is important to make the decisions carefully. Typically, the FR-4 or common PCB substrates have some constraints and limitations. They cannot work under high pressure and temperatures as they cannot bear these extreme conditions. For instance, if you exert too much pressure on the FR-4 PCB, it will break, and in the case of high temperatures, it starts to bend and deteriorate with time. Thus, we cannot use every PCB in every situation. The condition of the environment must be kept in mind while selecting a PCB.

  • Metal core PCB can withstand high temperature and high pressure

The pressure and temperature constraints of FR-4 are a serious issue. But thanks to the Metal Core PCBs. The solution to all problems of FR-4 and other similar materials is a metal core PCB, and it has gained much popularity in the industry. Nowadays, you see metal core PCBs in LED lights, automobiles, medical equipment, communication devices, and many other applications because of their characteristics and ability to bear high temperature and pressure.

  • Metal core PCBs are much stronger than FR-4

Metal core PCBs have a layer of metal, usually aluminum or copper, and sometimes iron. Due to the presence of a metal layer, these PCBs are much stronger than FR-4. They can bear more pressure stress; therefore, they are commonly used in places where there is more vibration and high-pressure stress. The PCB retains its shape and does not break.

  • Metal core PCBs also have an excellent temperature bearing capacity

They can work under extreme temperatures. They are mostly used in applications where the components dissipate heat. These PCBs can easily dissipate the heat and increase the life of the components. The PCB never bends due to high temperatures and offers excellent reliability. If we compare the heat dissipating capacity of the Metal core PCBs with FR-4, then metal core PCBs are 6-9 times better.

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